Skardu Visit By Air

  • by Ibraheem Awan
  • March 28, 2024

Deosai Skardu, Deosai is the highest plain in the world. About 13,500 feet above sea level and spread over an area of ​​3,000 square kilometers, Deosai is covered with snow from November to May. In the spring season Deosai offers a unique sight with flowers and many species of butterflies.

Covered in snow for eight months, this area is home to the world's most terrifying and rare wildlife, with extreme cold weather, bone-chilling winds and fearsome war animals, human life is unimaginable here. , so there is no population in this vast region, people from foreign countries and urban areas of Pakistan come here only for the purpose of adventure and tourism, this place is beautiful for four months of summer with two feet high plants. It is full of flowers, but this land of high slopes and verdant plains spread over thousands of kilometers does not have a single tree, so the birds make their nests on the ground.

The highest plateau in the world. Home to the rare brown bears, Pakistan is called a paradise for tourists. The northern areas here are unique in their beauty and wilderness. Apart from the world's highest peaks and the widest glacier, there is also the world's highest and widest plateau Deosai. The special feature of Deosai is the rare brown bears found here. Bears of this species are not found anywhere else in the world. Here too they are facing extinction.

Ibraheem Awan

The word Deosai is a Sheena word spoken in Gilgit-Baltistan, which was originally Deo Sai, later people who did not know how to write Urdu changed it to Deosai from Deo Sai. (sai) means population or land, so Devasai means land of giants. While in Balti language it is called Bhair Sar meaning the land of flowers because of the large number of flowers present here.

There are two ways to reach Deosai, one is from Skardu and the other is from Astor. Deosai is 35 km from Skardu and can be reached in two hours by jeep. Deosai was given the status of a National Park in 1993 due to which hunting is completely banned in order to protect the animals found here, especially the brown bear (Gurouch). At present there are very few bears in Deosai, once hundreds of bears roamed here, but human greed has hunted this beautiful and the largest omnivorous animal (meat and herbivore) of Pakistan to extinction. The bear hibernates in caves for six months of the year in winter from November to April, during which time its body fat melts to provide it with energy. It comes out of its cave when the snow melts.

Apart from bears, marmots (a species of rabbit locally known as trushunya), Tibetan wolves, red foxes, Himalayan ibex, ibex and snow leopards are also found here, as well as migratory birds including golden eagle, bearded eagle and falcon. go Apart from this, around 150 types of valuable and rare herbs are also found here, which are used by the local people for various ailments. Deosai is surrounded by small snow-capped hills, when the sunlight shines on them, these mountains look like gold, but these hills are not small at all, their height is up to seventeen to eighteen thousand feet. But at an altitude of 12,000 feet, these appear to be mere small hills.

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